
miercuri, 4 decembrie 2013

12-3-2013 KHJ Official Weibo Update

작년 야후어워드에서 팬여러분들이 보내주신화환을 웨이보에 올렸는데 올해는 드라마촬영이있어 참석하지 못했네요... 대신 작년 야후어워드 시상식때 매니저님이 찍어주셨던 사진 올려봅니다 늘 곁에있어주는 팬들 항상 고맙습니다^^

"Last year during the Yahoo awards I uploaded a photo of flower wreaths sent by fans.This year because of drama shooting I was unable to attend... These are photos from my manager's phone during last year's Yahoo awards. Thanks to the fans for always being with me"

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