
joi, 20 martie 2014

[article excerpts]Kim Hyun-joong vs. Kim Seong-oh, and the winner is...

Kim Hyun-joong is training to fight Kim Seong-oh.
Jeong Jae-hwa (Kim Seong-oh) took out his claw-hand to fight with Sin Jeng-tae (Kim Hyun-joong).

Jeong Jae-hwa had been injuring people whenever he wanted to in the past, but dropped that part of his life to be with his lover. He took out his claw-hand to fight with Kim Hyun-joong again.

This weapon is a legendary weapon which killed Sin Jeong-tae's father Sin Yeong-chool and Old Man Paris. Sin Jeong-tae started training himself to face this weapon.

He watched every move of the claw-hand which cut everything in its path; Sin Jeong-tae trained himself not to blink, even when water was pouring over them.

Jeong Jae-hwa and Sin Jeong-tae wanted to protect Club Shanghai, but they ran into several arguments and became enemies.

[Spoiler] Kim Hyun-joong vs. Kim Seong-oh, and the winner is...
[article excerpts]

Kim Hyun-joong is training to fight Kim Seong-oh.
Jeong Jae-hwa (Kim Seong-oh) took out his claw-hand to fight with Sin Jeng-tae (Kim Hyun-joong).

Jeong Jae-hwa had been injuring people whenever he wanted to in the past, but dropped that part of his life to be with his lover. He took out his claw-hand to fight with Kim Hyun-joong again.

This weapon is a legendary weapon which killed Sin Jeong-tae's father Sin Yeong-chool and Old Man Paris. Sin Jeong-tae started training himself to face this weapon.

He watched every move of the claw-hand which cut everything in its path; Sin Jeong-tae trained himself not to blink, even when water was pouring over them.

Jeong Jae-hwa and Sin Jeong-tae wanted to protect Club Shanghai, but they ran into several arguments and became enemies.

source: — with Aviva Giay.
via: deannadsc

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