
joi, 20 martie 2014

Inspiring Generation ep 20 [2]

cr: @501wangja 
1) *lag* duno what Mo Il Hwa said to Jung Tae~
2) Aoki bought Shinichi to Denkai n said he got way to deal with SDS 
3) Dokku will help Shinichi to get near SDS
4) JT going through documents in Club Shanghai
5) Mangchi came into the room with a bag of money
6) Jung Tae stared at the bag of money
7) JT asked them what's the money about & they said its the money from the gamblers for yesterday's fight w/ JJH
8) JT gave them each a stack of $ & ask them to give the balance to folks at BST but they said they need to return $ to Standard Bank & China Bank as JJH had loaned from the banks
9) JJH n WooJin strolling at BST

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