
joi, 20 martie 2014

Inspiring Generation ep 20 [3]

cr: @501wangja 
1) Woo Jin held JJH's hand (finally!!!
2) Woo Jin said she always knew how much JJH love Bangsamtong's folks *sobs* 
3) JJH head off.... ㅠㅠ 
4) Jung Tae & staff at Club Shanghai chased after JJH to bid farewell
5) Jung Tae feeling sad 
6) (handsome Jung Tae  )
7) JT called JH 'hyung-nim' (respectful term for elder brother) but JJH said he can't call him hyung-nim anymore as now he is 'bigger', he then bowed to JT n said 'please stay healthy'. Gahhhh made me cry here ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
8) Really sad expression from JT....
9) JT & the rest all bowed as JJH leaves...

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