
marți, 22 aprilie 2014

Hyunnies Pexers Write-Ups - 21.04,14

Of Microbes and Kim Hyun Joong 

Microbiotics researchers have concluded “we are numerically speaking 10 % humans and 90% microbes”. Then think of the unseen living creatures dancing, singing and acting with Hyun Joong. Under powerful microscopes these microbes have their own living environment, their own beauty in synch or fighting the body.

Hyun Joong has been taking good care of their diversity in his gut which is what makes them work for the body not against it. He looks healthier, full of stamina (I’d prefer that than being manly) and no news of trips to the hospital. The good microbes allow us to digest our food, get our nourishment, allow hormones to do their job, and fight diseases.
How does he provide TLC to his good microbes -he eats a variety of food and is not a glutton. He likes kimchi and spicy foods -probiotics -thanks to cultural habits and inclinations.
Remember how he ate at Barefoot Friends when they were in Vietnam? He didn’t have an overflowing plate but ate moderately and finished his rice to the last grain. I like seeing men not being wasteful.
Their latter BFF episodes made them taste and eat a variety of homemade traditional meals which were good to the microbes. That was one good point to give to the show in spite of the low rating. They should have explained the health aspect more to the viewer. Unfortunately, they focused more on the celebrities.
He attributes his physique -oh I don’t even want to start describing it -you have eyes that feasted on them abs-for Inspiring Generation by eating natural food such as vegetables and meat rather than consuming artificial supplements. And in addition not to forfeit doing his daily routine of stretching, running and lifting that gorgeous body. I suspect that is why he took on the IG Shin Jung Tae role -imagine getting paid while doing all the works for his body beautiful -fighting, fighting and more fighting. So many calories shooed away. Good for him. Ahem, good for us.
He doesn’t drink soda which is a good thing. Studies now are revealing drinking it is tantamount to taking poison slowly. Sodas especially when consumed in excess give the body acid and sugar, even with the artificial sweetener which is worse. It goes without saying sodas give empty calories. He drinks water and juice, maybe tea. As to the other kind of drink, the hard variety -I’m quiet about that though a good body and bright face like his can tell you he is not abusing his limit. Okay, aren’t we entitled to one or two vices in this world?
He was in a CF for ramen noodles many years back. Instant noodles is sodium laden -look at the labels though who doesn’t go for this instant fix once in a while. It is hoped less of slurping these kind of food in Kdramas.
CNN cited him before for endorsing products,clothes, makeup, credit card, duty free shopping and to visit Korea.
It’s about time somebody make him endorse the GOOD HEALTH

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