Kim Hyun Joong‘s request to postpone his enlistment date has been granted by the Korean army facility in light of recent events in the past several months.
According to insiders, the actor had received a call for enlistment by March 31st butrequested for a delay in his enlistment date due to personal reasons.
A representative from KEYEAST confirmed that Kim Hyun Joong would be postponing his enlistment saying, “It is true that Kim Hyun Joong has delayed his enlistment date, but the reasons behind his actions are very personal, so it is hard for us to share his reasons or his future enlistment plans.”
Just last month, Kim Hyun Joong and his ex-girlfriend confirmed that they would be having their first child together and were in the process of settling the confusion surrounding the pregnancy.
In August 2014, Kim Hyun Joong was accused of assault by his ex-girlfriend whom he had dated since 2012. After giving a sincere and officali apology to both his fans and Choi, the two reconciled and she dropped the charges against him. However, one of the four counts of physical violence initially reported by Choi was reviewed by the Seoul courts, and Kim Hyun Joong was fined in January 2015 for 5 million won.
Source: Star News
Ro:Kim Hyun Joong si-a amanat serviciului militar
Cererea lui KHJ de amanarea a inrolarii in armata,datorita evenimentelor din ultimul timp,a fost aprobata.
Potrivit surselor,KHJ a primit apel de inrolare pe 31 martie,dar a cerut o amanare din motive personale.
Un reprezentat Keyeast a confirmat ca KHJ isi va intarzia inrolarea,zicand:"Este adevarat ca KHJ si a amanat inrolarea,dar motivele din spatele deciziilor lui sunt foarte personale,deci este dificil pt noi sa dezvaluim motivele sau planurile sale viitoare."
Luna trecuta KHJ si fosta lui iubita au confirmat ca asteapta un copil impreuna si se aflau in procesul de clarificare a confuziei aparute.
Sa speram ca isi va rezolva in cel mai fericit mod problemele personale. Oare aceste amanari, nu ii vor scade din celebritate in ochii sud coreenilor ?