
joi, 11 decembrie 2014

Kim Hyun Joong Yahoo Buzz Winner for Top Asian Male Korean Artist 2014

Gaining Votes for more than 3Million from fans all over the world, Kim Hyun Joong was declared winner for the six consecutive years as  Best  Korean  Male Artist of the year 2014. . The festive mood by his fans were changed to confusion and dissatisfaction when they heard  this title for Kim Hyun Joong because according to my source who attended the awarding night,  the Yahoo Buzz category was only for Hot Search Korean Artist but it was turned out to be under Male category only during the announcement of winner .
Our congratulations to Mr Kim Hyun Joong for winning this award, whatever confusion it may have he still the winner for this year. Unfortunately he was not able to go to Hongkong last Dec 8, 2014 for unknown reason  to received his award. Until this time no word came from the camp of Mr Kim Hyun Joong about the controversy of this award. Wherever he is now I’m sure he knows that there are more than 3Millions voted for him and waiting for his new album and other activities for this year. . A great manifestation of love.
Again our congratulations to Mr Kim Hyun Joong and to his fans all over the world.
More power to you.

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