duminică, 27 decembrie 2015
luni, 21 decembrie 2015
Kim Hyun Joong's DNA test results say the probability of the child being his is...
Kim Hyun Joong's side says they will prove he wasn't violent towards Ms. Choi
miercuri, 14 octombrie 2015
Kim Hyun Joong to have his first break from the military soon
vineri, 18 septembrie 2015
[ENG/RO]KIM HYUN JOONG’s Letter English
Salutari tuturor.A trecut ceva timp de cand v am salutat prin intermediul unei scrisori si sincer nu stiu cum sa vorbesc despre aceasta problema.Imi pare rau ca din cauza recentelor articole online a ti vazut partea mai putin buna a mea.Chiar si eu sunt obosit si satul de toate astea.Deci imi pot imagina cum v ati simtit.Pt a preveni orice alte neintelegeri ar trebui sa mi spun punctul de vedere asupra faptelor care nu le am lamurit mai devreme.
Datorita haosului din timpul inrolarii nu am putut sa mi i au ramas bun, de la cei care m au iubit si sustinut, asa cum trebuia.Intr un final m am inrolat cu capul in jos ,ca o persoana vinovata.In ultimul an sub stricta supraveghere a tuturor am fost nelinistit chiar si sufocat .
Multumita incurajarilor primite de la ofiterii de formare,am depasit situatia si sunt la fel de sanatos ca inainte.
Inca odata,vreau sa mi arat recunostinta si sa mi cer scuze tuturor.Cu toate ca mi as dorii sa pot cere scuze formale tuturor cand totul se va lamurii,sperand ca nu vor mai exista alte neintelegeri , o sa mi spun punctul de vedere asupra unor fapte.
Am auzit ca am refuzat sa fac testul ADN.Dar din ziua inrolarii si pana pe 12 septembrie,singura veste de care am auzit a fost nasterea copilului,nici o alta veste despre el.Din reportaje am auzit despre nasterea copilului si despre refuzul de a face testul ADN.M am gandit ca aceste articole au aparut pt ca nu am spus nici un cuvant.De fapt am pregatit toate cele necesare in armata pt a face testul ADN .Am decis sa astept pana pe 12 septembrie crezand ca A ma va cauta sa vorbim.Am insistart sa facem testul pt ca asta i unicul mod legal de a mi asuma responsabilitatea.Cu toate ca sunt determinat si mi ar place sa cresc copilul,nu e ceva ce doar eu trebuie sa decid.Imi pare rau sa spun doar ca mi asum responsabilitatea legala fata de copil.Chiar daca suna ipocrit ,de dragul copilului voi continua sa spun asta.Chiar si acum,cand scriu aceasta scrisoare cu mana tremuranda,devenind un membru al armatei ma face sa ma simt mai indemanatic.
Neputand sa felicit ceilalti tati la nasterea copiilor lor,continui sa m a gandesc daca copilul imi va semnana sau nu.Pt ca nu am putut fi alaturi de copil in ziua nasterii ,imi va parea rau intodeauna.
In fiecare noapte inainte sa adorm ,ma intreb de 10 ori daca sunt intr-adevar pregatit si stiu ce am de facut.Sunt deprimat din cauza faptului ca,custodia copilului va depinde de decizia Curtii.'A' m a informat doar despre sexul copilului dar a refuzat sa mi spuna grupa de sange si la ce spital sunt.Au incercat sa ma opreasca sa ma apropii de copil.Nu sunt un tata calificat dar cu siguranta imi voi asuma responsabilitatea.Ca si tata al copilului as avea multe de spus dar am decis sa tac.Cu toate ca sunt foarte curios si mi doresc sa vad copilul atat de mult,trebuie sa indur si sa ma straduiesc sa devin un tata cinsit,asumandu-mi intreaga responsabilitate.
Spre ca ,copilul sa nu fie expus ,oriunde ar fii.Imi cer scuze pt lipsa ordinii din acesta scrisoare .Ma voi intoarce ca o persoana mai matura si mai sanatoasa.
joi, 17 septembrie 2015
Kim Hyun-joong’s ex-girlfriend regretful for Kim’s press conference
duminică, 13 septembrie 2015
Kim Hyun Joong's Father Demands Paternity Test; Suspects Ms.Choi of Cheating on his Son
joi, 10 septembrie 2015
Kim Hyun Joong’s Ex-Girlfriend Revealed to Have Given Birth
Kim Hyung Joong‘s ex-girlfriend, Ms. Choi, is said to have given birth.
According to Ms. Choi’s lawyer on September 10, “Ms. Choi gave birth last week at a hospital in Seoul. Currently, the baby and the mother are healthy and they are receiving postnatal care.” They relayed that a paternity suit is in the works, saying, “For a paternity test to be done, the father’s side must give permission. However, since Kim Hyun Joong is refusing that, we will be filing a paternity suit.”
When asked whether Kim Hyun Joong knows about the birth, they replied, “I don’t believe the two of them have communicated since last May. So I am not sure whether he received news of the birth.”
During a phone call with a KeyEastrepresentative on September 10, they revealed, “We heard about the birth through the lawyer. Since Kim Hyun Joong is currently serving in the military, we have no way of knowing whether he is aware of this.”
The representative continued, “As it has been established before, after the paternity test is complete, Kim Hyung Joong will take responsibility if the child is his. The stance hasn’t changed.” The representative then added, “The lawsuit between Ms. Choi and Kim Hyun Joong will continue as planned regardless of the birth.”
miercuri, 26 august 2015
miercuri, 19 august 2015
marți, 18 august 2015
joi, 6 august 2015
Ms. Choi's side sues Kim Hyun Joong and his lawyer for libel and defamation
Kim Hyun Joong's side explains 'abusive language' contained in text messages to Ms. Choi
miercuri, 5 august 2015
Kim Hyun Joong plans legal action against malicious commenters + Ms. Choi banned from leaving country
luni, 27 iulie 2015
duminică, 26 iulie 2015
joi, 23 iulie 2015
Kim Hyun Joong Sues His Ex for Blackmail, Defamation, and More + Request to Prohibit Overseas Travel
Singer-actor Kim Hyun Joong, who is currently serving in the army, has officially counter-sued his ex-girlfriend, Ms. Choi. In response, Ms. Choi’s side is also preparing to take more legal action.
According to insiders on July 23, Kim Hyun Joong’s legal reps have filed a petition against Ms. Choi on charges of false accusations, blackmail, defamation, and fraud lawsuit. Furthermore, they have put in a request to prohibit overseas travel to prevent Ms. Choi from leaving the country.
Kim Hyun Joong’s attorney, Lee Jae Man, explained to Star News, “In the midst of the current 1.6 billionKRW (approx. $1,426,000 USD) lawsuit, it has been revealed that the ob-gyn, where Ms. Choi claimed in her petition that she received her pregnancy confirmation and treatment for miscarriage, has never confirmed that diagnosis.”
On the other hand, Ms. Choi’s attorney has responded, “Not only the defendant (Kim Hyun Joong)’s attorney, but also external sources are saying that Ms. Choi blackmailed him for 600 millionKRW
(approx. 517,400 USD), but that is clearly defamation. We have neverDEMANDED any amount of money. In response to this, we will be countersuing. We will immediately file the petition on July 23.”
“Also, we saw a problem with the fact that Ms. Choi went to Hospital A and Hospital B on the same day, stating ‘injury at a gym’ at Hospital A, and ‘physical assault’ at Hospital B for the assault charges of a six-week treatment diagnosis. We have decided to file the lawsuit because these claims appear to be lies.”
Source (1)
On the other hand, Ms. Choi’s attorney has responded, “Not only the defendant (Kim Hyun Joong)’s attorney, but also external sources are saying that Ms. Choi blackmailed him for 600 millionKRW
(approx. 517,400 USD), but that is clearly defamation. We have neverDEMANDED any amount of money. In response to this, we will be countersuing. We will immediately file the petition on July 23.”
marți, 14 iulie 2015
vineri, 10 iulie 2015
miercuri, 8 iulie 2015
NOTICE: Henecia Fan Clubs:
luni, 29 iunie 2015
miercuri, 24 iunie 2015
marți, 23 iunie 2015
News Update [6.22.2015]
luni, 22 iunie 2015
[ENG/RO]Kim Hyun Joong's side raises questions about Ms. Choi's alleged pregnancy
sâmbătă, 20 iunie 2015
Kim Hyun-joong, "Abuse, pregnancy and miscarriage all a lie" complete scam
joi, 18 iunie 2015
Kim Hyun Joong to Serve as Border Patrol in Army
Singer and actor Kim Hyun Joong will be carrying out his military service as a border patrol.
Kim Hyun Joong entered the army on May 12, and has since been going through basic training. According to a source in the military, he has now received orders to serve in the city of Paju, Gyeonggi-do, which is located just south of the border with North Korea.
On the morning of June 18, Kim Hyun Joong attended a ceremony that marked the completion of his basic training at the 30th division recruit training center. On June 19, he will be heading to Paju, where he will take up his post as a border patrol with the 30th division.
Normally, soldiers are permitted to go on leave for a brief period or visit with their families or friends after their completion ceremony. However, according to the military source, Kim Hyun Joong and other soldiers will not be able to leave the base or have family or friends come visit them due to the MERS scare.
Meanwhile, Kim Hyun Joong is currently still in a legal battle with his former girlfriend. She has filed a lawsuit against him for 1.6 billion won (approx. $1.44 million USD) in damages. Kim Hyun Joong’s representatives have stated that they are preparing a counter-suit for 1.2 billion won (approx. $1.08 million USD) for damages from what they state to be her groundless allegations of pregnancy and miscarriage.
Kim Hyun Joong is expected to be discharged from military service on February 11, 2017.
miercuri, 17 iunie 2015
marți, 16 iunie 2015
vineri, 12 iunie 2015
joi, 11 iunie 2015
luni, 8 iunie 2015
duminică, 7 iunie 2015
joi, 4 iunie 2015
Kim Hyun Joong prepares to counter sue ex-girlfriend for at least 1.2 billion won
The court battle between Kim Hyun Joong and his ex-girlfriend, only known as Ms. Choi to the public, is nearing as both sides prep for the hearings ahead.
On June 3rd, SBS‘s Midnight TV Entertainment covered the ongoing legal battle between the former couple.
Choi is currently suing Kim Hyun Joong for 1.6 billion won as compensation for her psychological stress that she supposedly suffered after getting beaten by the artist which resulted in her miscarriage last year.
However, Kim Hyun Joong’s representatives and lawyers have stated on June 3rd, “If you look at the medical documents submitted by Ms. Choi, there is nothing about a positive pregnancy. What is written is that there is no evidence of pregnancy. Ms. Choi’s side submitted the text messages between her and Kim Hyun Joong as proof.”
They continued, “Choi claimed that she was pregnant in mid-May and was assaulted on the 30th. She went for an x-ray on the 31st and it is very hard to believe that a pregnant woman would go for an x-ray that could be very negative for the baby.”
Furthermore on the x-rays that showed her bone fractures from the assault she allegedly suffered multiple times last year, they note, “She said the bone fractured occurred on July 21st but the x-rays were taken on August 18th. But for her to submit this as evidence of assault, she would have taken the x-rays right away, otherwise this can be seen as something else happened afterwards that caused the fracture. The x-rays proves she was injured but not that she was injured as a result of Kim Hyun Joong.”
“If there was an assault to her abdomen, then there should be photos of her abdomen, but we’ve only seen photos of her shoulders and arms. At the time, Kim Hyun Joong was scared because of her threats to expose this to the media to check these things so he just gave her settlement money. 600 million won is a ridiculous amount of money for settlement. With this lawsuit, we will check again all the facts of the past assault.”
Not only is Choi’s first pregnancy in question but so is the current one.
“Kim Hyun Joong and Choi have been broken up since December 20th of last year. Then on January 3rd, Choi told Kim Hyun Joong she was pregnant. We verified with gynecology specialists that you cannot confirm a pregnancy 12-13 into a pregnancy with an over-the-counter pregnancy test. It can only be confirmed that early through blood tests or an ultrasound, but Choi confirmed she found out through an over-the-counter pregnancy test. We will find out if she was truly pregnant on January 3rd when she informed us by consulting with professionals in the gynecology department. If the pregnancy is confirmed and Kim Hyun Joong turns out to be the father, we are making our position clear that he will take responsibility as the father.”
According to Kim Hyun Joong’s side, Choi went on a bike ride last year on May 23rd to Choonchun and posted about her trip on SNS. However, the artist’s representatives argue that it makes no sense that a pregnant woman would go on such a long bike trip and this trip proves that Choi is lying about her first pregnancy.
They go on to reveal that they are preparing a counter suit against Choi for defamation because due to her suit, she has charred Kim Hyun Joong’s public image by making him out to be a person who causes pregnant women to miscarry by assaulting them.
“We are preparing a counter suit on the grounds of defamation. This suit will be filed by June. It will include the fine of 600 million won she has to pay for breaking the contract of her settlement last year plus the 600 won she received as settlement, so it will be at least 1.2 billion won not including how much we are figuring out to ask for defamation of Kim Hyun Joong.”
However, Choi’s representatives insists that they can prove their client’s story, saying, “Apart from witnesses and medical records, there are other ways to check for pregnancy and miscarriage. The truth will be revealed in court.”