
vineri, 3 octombrie 2014

[Info ENG/RO]A Henecian bought a star at Orion Galaxy and named it after KHJ!!

To: KHJ this might actually be crazy. There was a video posted on youtube that actually gave me the courage to write this now I was not going to write or even say anything. But here it goes.  Once you said you wanted to go to space.  That maybe a little harder to do one way, but in another you can so there for I named a STAR a real STAR after you. I sent the package to your fan mail but you receive multitudes of fan mail. But see me writing this is crazy bcz that’s not the kind of person I am.  But is not about me is about you. You are in space by name and also the actual package launch is in April. Now having to do a world tour does not mean you are on top of the world. But see bcz of the STAR named after you in the ORION GALAXY which is closest to Earth puts you on top of the world. There for: You KHJ are on top of the world you deserve this to the fullest. Here is the song I wrote in an earlier post. Twinkle twinkle little STAR how I wonder what you are up above the sky so high like a diamond there you shine KHJ. I did not write the song its actually a kids song but it goes with the STAR. Good Luck! KHJ.  :)

Ro:Un Henecia a cumparat o stea pentru Kim Hyun Joong in Galaxia Orion,care a intrat in vigoare  pe 14 aprilie 2013.
Pentru KHJ acest lucru ar putea fi o nebunie. A  fost un videoclip postat pe YouTube, care mi-a dat curajul de a scrie acest lucru pentru ca nu aveam de gand sa scriu sau sa spun nimic. Dupa ce a spus ca a vrut sa mearga in spatiu. Asta e un pic mai greu de facut intr-un fel, dar pe de alta parte,de aceea am numit o stea,o stea adevarata  dupa tine. Am trimis pachetul la e-mail-ul dedicat fanilor, dar ai primit o multime de scrisori de la fani. Dar vazandu-ma scriind acest lucru este o nebunie pt ca nu sunt genul de om . Dar nu e vorba de mine, e vorba de tine. Esti in spatiu datorita numelui si, de asemenea,  pachetului din luna aprilie. Trebuind sa faci un tur al lumii, nu inseamna ca esti in fruntea ei. Dar datorita stelei numite dupa tine in  Galaxia ORION, care este cea mai apropiata de Pamant ,te pune in fruntea lumii. KHJ esti in fruntea lumii,meriti asta la maxim. Aici este cantecul  pe care l-am scris intr-un mesaj anterior.:”Twinkle twinkle micuta stea,ma intreb ce esti deasupra cerului asa de inalt,ca un diamant  stralucesti KHJ.” Nu eu am scris melodia  de fapt un cantec de copii, dar merge cu steaua.Noroc! KHJ

But if any of you want to see the actual STAR certificate and location is in the blog in my earlier post I made them a promise that they will have that first.


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