There have been abundant reports lately regarding Kim Hyun Joong and his ex-girlfriend these days, specifically on the topic of Miss Choi's pregnancy and hospital visits that Kim Hyun Joong's side has been supposedly trying to arrange. The two have been releasing conflicting statements with Kim Hyun Joong's side insisting that Miss Choi is not cooperating nor showing up to promised appointments at the hospital, while Miss Choi's side says they never agreed to a hospital visit.
Following Miss Choi's interview with Dispatch, competing media outlet The Fact has released an interview with Kim Hyun Joong's parents, who expressed their frustration at the situation as all they want is to check on the baby's condition.
His mom began the interview, saying, "Honestly, I'm embarrassed that I am here now. I don't even know if this is something to hold an interview about. This is a matter between my son and Miss Choi, and a matter between two families. But despite this, the reason that we decided to hold this interview is because there is something we want to say. We just want to receive confirmation regarding the baby."
"Of course I believe that Miss Choi is pregnant, I'm also not suspecting the claim that the child is our son's. But it's hard to think to myself 'Ah, this is our grandchild' by just looking at a few ultrasound pictures with no names or anything on them received through a mobile messenger app. What parent out there would be able to easily accept it when someone just says 'This is your baby' with ultrasound pictures with no name or info attached to them. All we've been asking from the beginning is for us to be able to confirm by going to the hospital together."
Kim Hyun Joong's parents also then went onto address these documents that Miss Choi supposedly had to prove that she is pregnant with their son's baby. According to them, they met with Miss Choi's parents on January 14. Miss Choi's parents had an envelope with documents inside, but according to Kim Hyun Joong's parents, they were unable to confirm what was inside the envelope because Miss Choi's parents later left and took the envelope with them. They say they didn't really think to open the envelope right on the spot because they did not suspect Miss Choi to be lying anyway and thought they could open it later.
Kim Hyun Joong's father also said that the text messages Miss Choi had released through Dispatch had been cut and pasted in a way that made it look more favorable to her case. He revealed that he also has all the messages and is willing to reveal them, but that he wanted to receive Choi's consent first.
The father also went on to reveal that he is especially pressing for a hospital visit because he had heard a rumor that Choi drank alcohol after she became pregnant. He said he beat around the bush by telling Choi, "Oh I'm just worried that you might have eaten whatever without knowing you were pregnant". But Choi told him she did not eat without thinking. Kim Hyung Joong's father said, 'I wanted to ask her 'did you drink', but because it wasn't something I had actually witnessed, I had a hard time actually asking her that since if I asked her that then I'd have to tell her the name of the person who told me. That would cause this issue to get bigger and I thought she'd also be hurt by it, and I didn't want to hurt someone who could potentially become a part of my family. But I think when I had mentioned to her 'let's check before it's too late', she misunderstood it as me implying 'let's go abort this baby before it gets bigger'. However, I have no such intentions at all. I actually only want to protect the baby."
Kim Hyun Joong's father also went on to clarify the matter of the scheduled hospital visit. If you remember, Miss Choi had revealed that she was afraid to go receive a checkup with them as they had insisted on a specific hospital with a specific doctor. Choi believed that because of their insistence on the certain hospital and doctor, she was scared something had been arranged and that something might happen to her baby if she attended this hospital visit. However, Kim Hyun Joong's father presented a very different side of the story.
He said, "When I met with Miss Choi and learned about the pregnancy was January 6, Hyun Joong's mom had surgery for neck disc on January 8, so I didn't tell my wife and met with Miss Choi alone. She said she was pregnant so I said since you're going to have to take care of your health as well as the baby's health, let's go get checked out at a big hospital. I also mentioned this to her parents and her parents agreed. Afterwards, I called Miss Choi as I was about to schedule an appointment at a hospital that's well known and has favorable reviews. However, she said she didn't want a male doctor. I told her that there was a doctor here who is well respected so let's just go see him first and then afterwards we can change to a female doctor. Miss Choi then said herself that she knew of a famous female doctor at the same hospital, so to schedule an appointment with that doctor instead. So I agreed and scheduled an appointment with the female doctor."
He revealed that despite all this, Miss Choi never showed up as promised on January 17th. He had told his wife about all this after she finished her surgery and his wife had said she'll attend the check up with Miss Choi. So even though she was not even fully recovered and had to rely on a wheelchair to move about, she and her husband waited for Miss Choi to show up at the hospital, but Miss Choi failed to show up. In an emotional and upset state, Kim Hyun Joong's father revealed that he had texted Choi, "You really can't be doing things like this."
They then rescheduled the appointment for February 2. However, on January 31, Choi texted them saying that she won't attend if Kim Hyun Joong does not come. Although they tried to persuade her to attend, she refused, and they had to once again reschedule the appointment for February 25, since Kim Hyun Joong would have returned from his overseas schedule by then.
However Miss Choi contacted them again on February 24 saying she didn't want to visit that hospital anymore, so they agreed to go to another hospital that she wanted on the same day. However, she never showed that day, and this day was the day that Miss Choi had her interview with Dispatch.
Kim Hyun Joong's parents then asked her to just meet them at the previously scheduled hospital on the 25th. When they texted her, "We are on our way, so please come", Miss Choi only responded, "Stop media playing. The truth will always be revealed." Kim Hyun Joong's father commented during the interview, "What media play have we done? Isn't it her who revealed that she was pregnant and mentioned taking responsibility and such to the media in the first place?"
Kim Hyun Joong's mother added, "We're frustrated. I don't know how to express these emotions in words. We haven't even begun the talk about marriage yet, but she's going on saying she's not going to marry our son and that she's going to take responsibility for the baby. I just want to die. Why is she making this issue into something like this when it's a matter that should be solved between the two families. Why does she do all this but not discuss with us the things that should be talked about."
The singer's parents also revealed that they tried calling the hospital that Miss Choi has been visiting, but the hospital told them that they can only release information if Miss Choi comes with them. As if to address Miss Choi, Kim Hyun Joong's mother remarked at this point in the interview, "Please just go with us to the hospital so that we can check on the condition, and let's solve family matters between the families."
As for the topic of marriage, Kim Hyun Joong's father stated, "We want to raise the baby even if the two don't get married. However, since the mother is the one with the custody, we will follow Miss Choi's decision. However, no matter who it is that takes responsibility for the child, we must confirm the condition of the baby and the mother. What becomes of us when she says she'll take responsibility and won't even visit the hospital with us. We want to go to the hospital with her and learn what she plans to do from now on. We want to hear this not through the media, but through discussion among ourselves to resolve the problem. If it all goes well, then I could potentially become her father-in-law. So it's a shame that things keep going this direction. I think marriage is something that the two should work out. If they say they want to live together then I will not oppose it. What else can I do if they were to say they want to keep living on together because they love each other even despite all the pain they've received."
As for what their son is up to these days and how he's doing, his father commented, "He's having a tough time. He can't even step a foot outside of the house." His mom added,"Even today, I came after having cried for an hour. Those with children should be able to understand how pained I am. I don't know how to express it in words. Is it only considered murder if one actually kills a person. I think putting a family through this kind of pain is also murder. Honestly, this the pitiful state of heart I'm in. If I'm feeling like this, how do you think he [Kim Hyun Joong] feels."
When asked what Kim Hyun Joong's thoughts are on the situation, his father revealed,"Our son said that if it's true that she is pregnant, then that the baby is probably his. If he had been unsure about it then we might have suspected Miss Choi, but since he's the one saying that, we of course believe [she's pregnant]. He said he'll take responsibility so we respected his decision. I told him, 'If all this happens and you don't get married then you're going to be a bachelor with a kid.' Hyun Joong told me he is ready to accept that as well. I think that whatever decision is made should be made for the baby, and I told my son the same."
The Fact also organized a timeline of the order of events, which we have translated for you below.
8.20 - Kim Hyun Joong accused of assaulting ex-girlfriend from May to July
8.22 - Kim Hyun Joong's assault case becomes revealed to the world. Key East Entertainment attempts to figure out what's happening
8.23 - Key East releases official statement saying that there was a physical and verbal fight, there was no repeated assault
8.24 - Kim Hyun Joong carries out world tour in Thailand, delays enlistment
9.2 - 1st round of investigation, Kim Hyun Joong denies repeated assault
9.15 - 2nd round of investigation, Kim Hyun Joong meets with Choi and apologizes and reconciles. Reveals they dated for 2 years and apologizes to fans on his homepage
9.17 - Choi's lawyer asks to withdraw lawsuit
November - Kim Hyun Joong and Choi get back together
December - Kim Hyun Joong and Choi break up
1.3 - Choi realizes she's pregnant
1.5 - Choi notified Kim Hyun Joong about pregnancy
1.6 - Kim Hyun Joong's father meets with Choi, receives 3 ultrasound pictures
1.17 - Kim Hyun Joong's parents show up for the hospital appointment, Miss Choi can't be reached
1.19 - Kim Hyun Joong fined 5 million KRW for the one acknowledged case of bodily harm
2.2 - Kim Hyun Joong's parents reschedule hospital appointment with the female doctor Choi requested for to this date. However, this appointment is rescheduled again for the 25th due to Choi's refusal
2.12 - Kim Hyun Joong's parents receive request to meet from Choi's parents
2.14 - Kim Hyun Joong's parents and Choi's parents meet, agree to Choi's hospital visit on the 25th
2.22 - 'Woman Sense' releases report on Kim Hyun Joong and Choi's reconciliation and pregnancy. Kim Hyun Joong's side asks to meet with Choi's side again
2.23 - Kim Hyun Joong denies rumors of getting back together, but says he'll take responsibility if pregnancy is true. Choi's side says they have plenty of documents to prove her pregnancy. Choi and Kim Hyung Joong's parents get in touch, agree to meet at another hospital that Choi wants on 24th
2.24 - Choi doesn't show up while Kim Hyun Joong's parents wait. Choi meets with media
2.25 - Kim Hyun Joong's parents wait at the first hospital for the appointment they scheduled previously with the female doctor of Choi's choosing, Choi doesn't show. Dispatch releases interview with Choi
Parintii lui Kim HYun Joong vorbesc intr-un interviu despre sarcina lui Choi,vizita la spital si gandurile fiului lor
Au fost multe rapoarte in ceea ce l priveste pe KHJ si fosta lui iubita,in special pe sarcina acesteia si vizita ei la spital impreuna cu familia lui KHJ.Cei doi au dat declaratii contradictorii,cei de partea lui KHJ spunand ca Choi nu coopereaza si nu se prezinta la spital,in timp ce partea care de afla alaturi de Choi spun ca niciodata nu au fost de acord cu vizita.
"The Fact" au lansat un interviu cu parintii lui KHJ,care si au exprimat frustrarea privind aceasta situatie si de asemenea ca tot ceea ce vor este sa verifice conditia copilului.
Mama lui a inceput interviul zicand:"Sincer,sunt rusinata ca sunt aici.Nici nu stiu daca asta este o situatie despre care sa dai un interviu.Asta este o problema intre fiul meu , Choi si familile noastre.Dar in ciuda acestui lucru,am decis sa dam interviu pt ca avem ceva de spus.Vrem doar sa primim confirmarea in ceea ce priveste copilul."
"Bineinteles ca o cred pe Choi ca este insarcinata,nu suspectez faptul ca ,copilul este al fiului nostru.Dar este greu sa ma gandesc"ah,acesta este nepotul nostru" doar uitandu ma la niste ecografii fara nume sau ceva pe ele primite prin sms.Ar fi simplu de acceptat cand cineva spune"acesta este copilul tau" aratand poze cu ecogragfia fara nume sau informatii atasate.Tot ceea ce am cerut de la inceput a fost sa mergem impreuna la spital sa confirmam."
De asemenea parintii lui KHJ presupun sa dovedeasca ca este copilul lui.
Potrivit lor,s au intalnit cu parintii lui Choi pe 14 ianuarie.Parintii ei aveau un plic cu documente,dar potrivit parintilor lui KHJ, nu au putut confirma ce este inauntu plicului pt ca parintii lui Choi cand au plecat au luat si plicul cu ei.
Acestia spun ca nu se gandeau sa deschida imediat picul pt ca nu o suspectau pe Choi ca ar mintii.
Tatal lui KHJ a spus ca mesajele pe care le a publicat Choi au fost editate in asa fel incat sa fie in favoarea ei.Acesta a spus ca si el mai are mesajele si le va publica,dar a vrut consimtamantul lui Choi.
A mai spus ca a presat o cu vizita medicala pt ca a auzit un zvon ca Choi a baut alcool cand era insarcinata.Acesta a spus ca a batut apropo spunandu i lui Choi:"oh,eram ingrijorat ca ai fi putut manca ceva fara sa stii ca esti insarcinata"dar Choi i a spus ca nu mananca fara sa de gandeasca.Tatal lui KHJ a spus:"am vrut sa o intreb daca a baut,dar pt ca nu am vazut cu ochii mei am ezitat pt ca daca as fi intrebat o asta ar fi trebuit sa i spun numele persoanei care mi a spus.Asta ar fi creat o problema si mai mare si m am gandit ca o voi rani si nu am vrut sa ranesc pe cineva care e posibil sa faca parte din familie.Dar cred ca atunci cand am mentionat "sa verificam pana nu e prea tarziu" acesta a inteles gresit ca si cum m as fi implicat "hai sa avortezi pana nu e prea mare."Nu am nici o intentie de genu deloc.Vreau sa protejez copilul."
Tatal lui KHJ a clarificat si problema cu programarea vizitei la spital.Daca va amintiti Choi a dezvaluit ca ii era frica sa faca control cu ei pt ca au insistat sa l faca la un anumit spital cu un anumit doctor.Choi s a speriat si a crezut ca datorita insistentei lor cu spitalul si doctorul ar fi putut fi ceva aranjat si ca i s ar fi putut intampla ceva copilului daca s ar fi dus.Tatal lui KHJ a spus o diferita poveste.
A spus:"Cand m am intalnit cu Choi si mi a spus despre sarcina era 6 ianuarie,mama lui KHJ se opera la gat pe 8 ianuarie,deci nu i am spus sotiei mele si m am intalnit singur cu Choi.Ea a spus ca este insarcinata si i am spus deodata ce trebuie sa ai grija de sanatatea ta cat si a copilului hai sa mergem sa faci consultatia la un spital mare.Le am spus asta si parintiilor ei si au fost de acord.
Dupa aceea am sunat o pe Choi pt ca vroiam sa i fac programare la spitalul prestigios.A spus ca nu vrea un doctor barbat.I am spus ca acolo este un doctor care este respectat si sa o consulte el primul si apoi sa mearga si la doctorita.Apoi Choi a spus ca stie o doctorita faimoasa la acelasi spital deci sa i fac o programare acolo.Am fost de acord si i am facut programare la acea doctorita."
El a dezvaluit ca in ciuda acestora,Choi nu s a prezentat cum a promis pe 17 ianuarie .
I a spus sotiei totul dupa ce s a operat si aceasta a spus ca o va insoti pe Choi la spital.Chiar daca nu se recuperase si trebuia sa stea intr-un scaun cu rotile,ea si sotul ei au asteptat o pe Choi la spital,dar aceasta nu a aparut.Intr-o situatie emotionala si suparacioasa tatal lui KHJ a declarat ca i a dat un mesaj lui Choi:"Nu poti face lucrurile asa."
Atunci au reprogramat consultatia pt 2 februarie.Pe 31 ianuarie ,Choi a trimis mesaj ca nu va veni daca nu este KHJ.Cu toate ca au incercat sa o preseze sa mearga ,aceasta a refuzat si au trebuit sa reprogrameze iar pt 25 februarie,cand KHJ se intorcea din strainatate.
Choi i a contactat iar pe 24 februarie spunand ca nu vrea sa mai mearga la acel spital,si au acceptat sa se duca la alt spital in aceasi zi.
Nu s a prezentat nici in acea zi si aceasta a fost ziua in care a dat interviu pt Dispatch.
Parintii lui KHJ i au cerut sa se intalneasca pe 25.Cand i au dat mesaj "Suntem pe drum,te rugam sa vi",Choi a raspuns:"Incetati cu presa.Adevarul va fi intodeauna dezvaluit."Tatal lui KHJ a comentat in timpul interviulu:"Ce joc al presei am facut?Nu ea a dezvaluit ca este insarcinata si ca si asuma responsabilitatea si in ceea ce priveste presa?"
Mama lui KHJ a adaugat:"Suntem frustrati.Nu stiu cum sa descriu aceste emotii in cuvinte.Nici macar nu am inceput sa discutam despre casatorie,si es spune ca nu se casatori cu fiul nostru si ca si va asuma responsabilitatea pt copil.Vreau sa mor.De ce face aceasta problema in asa ceva ,cand este ceva care ar trebui rezolvat intre famili.De ce face toate astea si nu discuta cu noi lucrurile despre care trebuie sa vorbim."
Parintii cantaretului au spus ca au incercat sa sune la spitalul unde a facut Choi consultatia,dar acestia i au spus ca pot da informatii doar daca vine Choi cu ei.Mama lui KHJ i a spus:"Te rog sa vi cu noi la spital sa ti verificam starea si hai sa rezolvam problemele de familie intre famili."
In ceea ce priveste casatoria,tatal lui KHJ a spus:"Vrem sa crestem copilul chiar daca cei doi nu se casatoresc.Deodata ce mama are custodie,vom respecata decizia lui Choi.Nu conteaza cine isi va asuma resonsabilitatea pt copil,trebuie confirmata starea copilului si a mamei.Cum suntem noi,cand ea spune ca si va asuma responsabilitatea si nici macar nu merge la spital cu noi.Vrem sa mearga la spital cu noi si sa vorbim despre planuieste sa faca in viitor.Vrem sa auzim asta nu prin intermediul presei , ci sa discutam impreuna aceasta problema.Daca totul merge bine este probabil ca sa i fiu socru.Este o rusine ca lucrurile i au aceasta directie.Cred ca ,casatoria este ceva ce depinde de amandoi.Daca ei spus ca vor sa traiasca impreuna nu ne vom opune.Ce as mai putea face daca ei spun ca vor sa traiasca impreuna pt ca se iubesc in ciuda durerii prin care au trecut."
In ceea ce l priveste pe fiul lor si ce face in aceste zile tatal a comentat:"Trece prin momente grele.Nu poate iesi nici cu un pas in afara casei."Mama lui a spus:"Chiar si azi,am venit dupa ce am plans o ora.Cei care au copii imi inteleg durerea .Nu stiu cum sa exprim in cuvine .Este considerat criminal cel care ucide o persoana.Cred ca punand o familie sa treaca prin durerea asta este tot o crima.Sincer, acum inima mi e demna de mila.Asa ma simt eu,cum crezi ca se simte el(KHJ)."'
Cand a fost intrebat ce ganduri are KHJ in provinta acestei situatii,tatal lui a spus:"Fiul nostru a spus ca daca este adevarat ca este insarcinata,atunci probabil copilul este a lui.Daca el ar fi fost nesigur despre asta atunci am fi suspectat-o pe Choi,dar deodat` ce el spune asta,binenteles ca o credem ca este insarcinata.El a spus ca si va asuma responsabilitatea si noi ii respectam decizia.I am spus"Daca toate astea se intampla si nu te casatoresti,o sa fi un burlac cu copil."Hyun Joong mi a spus ca este gata sa accepte si asta.Cred ca orice decizie se ia ,trebuie luata pt copil,si i am spus fiului meu la fel."
The Fact au organizat evenimentele in ordine cronologica:
8.20 Kim Hyun Joong este acuzat de agreiune din mai pana in iulie.
8.22 Agresiunea savarsita de KHJ este facuta publica.Agentia Keyeast incearca sa si de a seama ce se intampla.
8.24 Concertul din Thailanda a lui KHJ este anulat
9.2 Prima runda a investigatiei,KHJ neaga agresiunea repetata
9.15 A2a tura a investigatiei,KHJ se intalneste cu Choi isi cere scuze si se impaca.Dezvaluie ca sau intalnit pt 2 ani si le cere scuze fanilor pe pagia lui.
9.17 Avocatul lui Choi cere incetarea procesului
Noiembrie-KHJ si Choi se impaca
Decembrie-KHJ si Choi se despart
1.3-Choi afla ca este insarcinata
1.5-Choi ii spune lui KHJ ca este insarcinata
1.6-Tatal lui KHJ se intalneste cu Choi si primeste 3 ecografii
1,17-Parintii lui KHJ se prezinta la spital ,Choi nu se prezinta
1.19-KHJ este amendat cu 5 milioane de woni pt agresiune
2.2- Parintii lui KHJ reprogrameaza consultul cu doctorita ceruta de Choi.Aceasta reprogramare a trebui reprogramata iar pt data de 25 datorita refuzului lui Choi.
2.12-Parintii lui KHJ primesc cerere sa se intalnesca cu parintii lui Choi
2.14-Parintii lui KHJ si parintii lui Choi se intalnesc,hotarand consultul lui Choi pt data de 25.
2.22-"Woman Sense" publica un articol cu impacarea lui KHJ cu Choi si sarcina acesteia.Parintii lui KHJ cer sa se intalnesca cu parintii lui Choi iar.
2.23-KHJ neaga zvonurile ca s au impacat,spunand ca si va asuma responsabilitatea daca sarcina este adevarata.Parintii lui Choi sustin ca au acte care dovedesc sarcina,Parintii celor 2 i au legatura,acceptand sa se intalneasca la al spital ales de Choi pe 24.
2.24-Choi nu vine,parintii lui KHJ o asteapta.Choi se intalneste cu reporterii.
2.25-Parintii lui KHJ asteapta la primul spital stabilit initial cu doctorita aleasa de Choi,dar aceasta nu vine.Dispatch publica interviul cu Choi.