
luni, 23 februarie 2015

[RO/ENG]Kim Hyun Joong responds to controversial rumors regarding pregnantex-girlfriend

Kim Hyun Joong

After news of Kim Hyun Joong getting back together with his ex-girlfriend broke, his agency KEYEAST has finally released a statement.
Popular artist and actor Kim Hyun Joong shocked netizens and fans alike when it was revealed by a third-party that he would become a father soon, having his first child with the same former girlfriend who had charged him with assault in the latter half of 2014.
On February 23rd, his agency KEYEAST released a statement saying, “Kim Hyun joong and Miss Choi came to terms last September on the issue of the assault. They did meet again after but at the end of last year agreed to go on their own way. A few days later (early January) Choi told Kim Hyun Joong that she was pregnant. Kim Hyun Joong and his parents called Choi and her parents on multiple occasions to meet and confirm that she was pregnant. Choi, however, refused to go see a doctor and has since not been in contact.”
“After yesterday’s [news] release, Kim Hyun Joong’s side once again requested confirmation of her pregnancy, they still have not received a response. The report that ‘the parents of the two have met and talks of marriage is on going’ is not true, but Kim Hyun Joong has stated that as soon as the pregnancy is confirmed, he will do his duty and take responsibility.”
They continued to say “Please refrain from making conjectures and reports based on partial truths.”
In August 2014, Kim Hyun Joong wasaccused of assault by his ex-girlfriend (Choi) whom he had dated since 2012. After giving a sincere and official apology to both his fans and Choi, the two had reconciled and she dropped the charges against him. However, one of the four counts of physical violence initially reported by Choi was reviewed by the Seoul courts, and Kim Hyun Joong was fined in January 2015 for 5 million won.
Following news of the artist becoming a father-to-be, Dispatch released a timeline of the events regarding the relationship between the two, including when they had dated, the date of assault, the date of the charges being dropped, and when he had found out of her pregnancy in January 2015.
Source: Daily Sports
RO:Kim Hyun Joong raspunde zvonurilor controversate cu privire la sarcina fostei iubite
Dupa stirile impacarii lui Kim Hyun Joong cu fosta iubita, agentia lui ,KEYEAST ,a lansat o declaratie.
Kim Hyun Joong a socat fanii atunci cand a fost descoperit de catre un tert ca el va deveni  tata in curand, avand  primul copil cu fosta iubita care l-a acuzat de agresiune in a doua jumatate a anului 2014 .
 Pe 23 februarie agentia sa KEYEAST a lansat o declartie spunand, "Kim Hyun Joong si domnisoara Choi au venit in septembrie anul trecut sa rezolve problema cu privire la asalt. Ei s- au intalni din nou dupa, dar la sfarsitul anului trecut a fost de acord sa mearga pe propriul drum. Cateva zile mai tarziu (inceputul lunii ianuarie) Choi i-a spus lui  Kim Hyun Joong ca e insarcinata. Kim Hyun Joong si parintii sai au sunat-o pe Choi si parintii ei de mai multe ori sa se intalneasca si sa confirme ca ea era insarcinata. Choi, cu toate acestea, a refuzat sa mearga la doctor si de atunci nu au mai vorbit. "
"Dupa stirile de ieri Kim Hyun Joong a solicitat inca o data confirmarea sarcinii, dar inca nu a primit un raspuns. Raportul ca "parintii celor doi s-au intalnit si au discutat de casatorie  nu este adevarat, dar Kim Hyun Joong a declarat ca, de indata ce sarcina este confirmata, el isi va face datoria si isi va asuma responsabilitatea. "
Ei au continuat sa spuna "Va rog sa va  abtineti de la ipoteze si  rapoarte bazate pe adevaruri partiale."
In luna august 2014, Kim Hyun Joong a fost acuzat de asalt de catre fosta iubita (Choi) cu care s-a intalnit din2012. Dupa ce si-a cerut  scuze sincer si oficial atst faniilor si lui Choi , cei doi s- au impacat si ea a renuntat la acuzatiile impotriva lui . Cu toate acestea, una dintre cele patru capete de acuzare de violentă fizict raportate initial de Choi a fost revizuit de catre instantele de judecata Seul, Kim Hyun Joong  a fost amendat in ianuarie 2015 cu 5 milioane de won.

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