Following the statement released by Kim Hyun Joong's side regarding the possible marriage and his ex-girlfriend's possible pregnancy, the ex-girlfriend's lawyer has revealed their side of the story.
According to media outlet Sports Seoul, they were able to score a phone interview with Miss Choi (Kim Hyun Joong's ex-girlfriend)'s lawyer Sun Jong Moon. The lawyer stated over the phone, "It's true that Miss Choi is pregnant. It's also true that Kim Hyun Joong is the father."
"Miss Choi has been having a tough time with her pregnancy being revealed to the world; she is currently visiting clinics and getting rest and stability," the lawyer added.
The lawyer also said he has in possession plenty of evidence to confirm Miss Choi's pregnancy. Since Kim Hyun Joong's side had mentioned that they could not get in contact with Miss Choi at all when they had asked to confirm her pregnancy, it sounded as if she had been hiding out to conceal the truth. In regards to this, her lawyer commented, "It is not true that she's hiding out. After she notified them of her pregnancy, she met with Kim Hyun Joong's side even until recently. She contacted them and met with them."
Miss Choi's side is expected to release an official statement regarding their position either later today or tomorrow.
RO: Avocatul fostei iubite,Choi.confirma sarcina
Dupa declaratia data de Kim Hyun Joong cu privire la posibila casatorie si posibila sarcina a fostei iubite, avocatul fostei iubite a dezvaluit partea lor de poveste.
Potrivit presei Sport Seul, au avut un interviu telefonic cu domnisoara Choi (fosta iubita a lui Kim Hyun Joong ) si avocatul aesteia Sun Jong Moon. Avocatul a declarat la telefon: "Este adevarat ca domnisoara Choi este insarcinata. Este de asemenea adevarat ca Kim Hyun Joong este tatal."
"Domnisoara Choi a avut o perioada grea cu sarcina fiind facuta publica, in prezent viziteaza clinici si se odihneste", a adăugat avocatul.
Avocatul a mai spus ca are in posesie o multime de dovezi pentru a confirma sarcina domnisoarei Choi. Din moment ce Kim Hyun Joong a mentionat ca nu au putut intra in contact cu ea cand i a cerut sa confirme sarcina, a sunat ca si cum ar fi ascuns adevarul. In ceea ce priveste acesta, avocatul ei a comentat: "Nu este adevarat ca ea l ascunde. Dupa ce i a informat despre sarcina, s a intalnit cu Kim Hyun Joong chiar pana de curand. Ea i-a contactat si s a intalnit cu ei."
Se asteapata ca domnisoara Choi sa faca o declaratie oficiala , fie mai tarziu astazi sau maine.
this girl is unstoppable , she never stop the scal , foe sure she wants a huge amount of money , why she had un unprotected sex with him , and what are theier feelings toward him , i just can't understand his play